Sunday, June 12, 2011


I should never have taken that last photo. Exactly what I feared happened.
I returned to the nest after posting and there were only 3 birds there.

I decided to go outside to find the fallen bird. I could find no bird.  I did see a nice view of the nest from the ground and went to get my camera to document that angle.

Everything happened so quickly after that!!  This bird took flight, or tried to.  Then out of nowhere came Mom & Dad robins bombing me and chattering away like crazy. Another bird tried to take flight....

Oh what a sight and ruckus it was!  I am still traumatized at breaking up a little family and obviously alarming many families of Robins in the area.

Russ came to the rescue.  He tried putting the babies back up in the nest only to have them flutter to the ground time and time again.

He repeated his efforts of rescue dispite the continued bombing efforts of many adult robins.

The chattering continues out back.  We have an empty nest.

I have banned Zoe and myself from the backyard.  Maybe the Robin parents can get their family back together.  I have closed my window and my blind to let them know I will not be bothering them anymore.


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