Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Complete Change

My flower beds are filled with so many more blooms than a just couple of days ago.

The perfect conditions and voila blooms everywhere. 

On Memorial Day I didn't have any Iris is bloom, usually they are for me. But today I have many flags of Iris in my yard.  We take the regular Iris to the gaves for Memorial Day.(we didn't this year)  I did have a couple of the Siberian Iris in bloom before Memorial Day.

Look what I scared out when I went to take photos of the Iris. There was a pair of quail. I scared them so they even took flight. Usually they just try to quickly waddle away.  They are skiddish I didn't try to scare them, but too quick of a motion or even just motion will send them running.

This is my first quail I have seen this spring.

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