Thursday, June 16, 2011

Garden Spot

This working spot in my backyard has been left for a week waiting for me to return to it.

I have passed it on more than a couple of occasions of late and have thought that it looked inviting. I will see if I can't get out to it tomorrow perhaps. I need to pull some more weeds in this bed and then spread some mulch in the bed.

Tomorrow is forecast to be very cool.  That would be my perfect day to work out in the back flower beds.

I have seen several blooms from two different varieties of flowers with similar blooms, both bell shaped and both almost the same color.

These blooms are in the work station bed I just showed. These blooms are on short thin stalks in clusters.
Very delicate plants.

It is not apparent from these photos but these blooms grow on very tall plants. They are thin shoots but very very tall shoots this year.  In fact this year this bloom is doing so well in all the beds this year. Front and back flower beds.

Both plants are beautiful similar colors! They must be related.  I love their color. I love their delicate bells.

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