Thursday, June 2, 2011

Simple pleasures

I was able to spend a fun day with K&A&C today.

As always they were wonderful little ones.  I am so impressed with how well mannered my grandchildren are.  They are so polite, with thanks and excuse me.  They are also admirably patient with each other.  It just warms my heart to spend time around such precious little ones.

We had a great time with simple pleasures today.

Hopscotch... I remember my love of hop scotch.  Remember the rubber hoppy taws.
Well the grandkids don't know about hoppy taws, but I am sure I can find one, to introduce them.  I will look.

And then there are sunglasses...

What a ham!! He knows how cute he is!!

Now there is the delight of your first bike.  Or I should say the delight of getting to have your sisters plasma car all to yourself!!

Time with your own banana is heaven..

The things that make for a grand day!!!
Simple Simple Simple.

Look what K&A found!! Their own birds nest.  Or should I say their neighbors nest that they spotted.

Now you can see why I have so much fun when I get to spend time with these darling ones.

And our own making of a birds nest!

And every boy is totally entertained with his own stick!
I am not sure one should be allowed to have so much fun in one day!

Kate was off with a friend swimming when we had the camera out.  So sorry no pictures of you Kate.  Next time!!!

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