Wednesday, April 20, 2011

By Chance

Years ago when we bought our home it was by chance that my kitchen window looked west.

Years later knowing what I know now, the first thing I would check when buying a home is what the kitchen window looks out to.

I have so so so many memories of looking out my kitchen window:

             So much of my time through the years has been in my kitchen at my kitchen sink looking out
the window I have memories of many a beautiful sunset....

                                      The sunsets in Fruit Heights are unriveled. Across the world the beautiful sunsets each night could not be better than the sunsets out my kitchen window.

                                      My upper lawn of our little farm, right outside my kitchen window has provided many a game of chase by the children and now grandchildren. I have watched many a laughing game of tag out my kitchen window.

                                      Our helicopter for the grandchildren is right outside my kitchen window. I have seen many a day when they have taken flight on the helicopter!

                                      Zoe has retrieved more tennis balls then could be counted to right outside my kitchen window. Powell, Bits and Nephi all frolicked on the lawn outside my window.

                                      I have served many a dinner, had many gatherings, several weddings right outside my kitchen window.

                                       Seen many a meals smoking out on the barbeque.

                                      I see season changes outside my window:

          I am watching for Becky tulips outside my window at present.
 I have seen Christmas lights twinkle in the Maple trees at night during the Christmas season. I have seen the most peaceful snow storms out my window. I have seen huge snowflakes float from the sky across my window.
           I love the garland and red bows that are on the back fence during the holidays.

          I will soon see cotton from the Cottonwood trees floating in the air and across my window.

          (I really like how the raindrops fall on my window, especially my new window that was installed this year.)

I have seen many a pair of garden boots going down to gather the eggs.

Many a tent pitched during our backyard campouts.

Many an umbrella carried down to gather eggs.

Many a couple snuggle or children pile in the hammock outside my window.

           The piles of leaves outside my window in the fall swallow the grandchildren as they did the children. And before the piles swallow the children they provide hours of laughing fun. Many a pile of leaves have been raked up outside my kitchen window.


We recieved a wedding announcement last week that  had lovely photos of a couple to be married on it that had photos captions...
                                             Met by chance in China...
                                             Fell in love on their first date in Thailand...
                                             Engaged at sunset on the Great Barrier Reef....

The world is obviously at their fingertips...

My advice to them would be:

              When buying a home be sure to check out what your kitchen window looks out too!!!

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