Saturday, April 30, 2011


Anna has some chairs she has been working on.

She has refinished the wood. Sanded out some excess carving on the chairs.

Today she has been working with me reupholstering her chairs. She has chosen a beautiful grey fabric. It looks terrific as we are getting the fabric stretched and stapled on the chairs. We have one chair now with its new fabric on it.

Our next step is to make the cording for the chairs with the new fabric. Then staple it onto our chair and one chair will be completed.

I vote to finish the other chair another day or even later tonight. Well see....

It is always amazing to me how much improvement is made with reupholstery. It is work but I was reminded today, that I do enjoy it.  It has been quite a while since I have worked on reupholstering something, I had convinced myself I didn't like doing it anymore.  I was wrong I do enjoy it.  It is just a lot of work.  I was reminded again it is worth the work!

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