Sunday, July 3, 2011


A little over a year ago.

Uncle Spence & Pam's oldest boy died while working on the Temple in Hawaii.
Will was newly married. It was very unexpected. He died of a heart attack. He was 27(?) years old.( He had heart problems since birth having had 2 surgeries before he was 3, with open heart surgery a couple of years ago.)

He was a real cowboy! He loved all things horses and packing into the mountains with his Dad and 2 brothers.

Uncle Spencer found this horse in the KSL classifieds. He bought the horse that was in very bad shape. The motor not running and rusty rusty.

He worked feverishly to remake this now beautiful horse!! It is painted like Concho, Will's real horse. It has a beautiful saddle on it, the perfect size also found in the adds.

He worked for months remaking the motor, painting Concho to exact resemblance, branding the horse with Will's brand, refinishing the motor case and carving Concho's name in the motor case cover.

It is truley beautiful and was a real remembrance for us all to share up at the camp this weekend. What a hit it was constantly giving rides to all those interested. That would add up to many many rides this weekend.

I thought it was a touching tribute to Will and his family for always wanting to make things fun for the rest of us!!!!!

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