Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It is July 12th today.

I woke up to pouring rain!!
What a surprise to wake up to pouring rain in July!!
I had no idea it was to rain today.

My nephew will be married today, I'll bet he is surprised to see this rain! Although he had a dinner last night outside and it did rain on that for a minute. But to plan a reception in Utah on July 12th rain would not normally be a topic of much concern. Not like Michigan where you always have a rain contingency!

I am quite enjoying the rain. I am quite enjoying the contrast to the sunny days of late.  It certainly has been an interesting summer, as at this point, it is so not the normal Utah summer one really would have no idea what the weather might be!

I am enjoying the calm of the overcast skies. I have finished my cleaning of downstairs and am certainly enjoying the fruits of a clean room...  I am literally in heaven down there today. It matters not rain or shine outside.  The sun is shinning in my clean space downstairs.

Now Spencer did come downstairs yesterday to check on my progress and did offer to give me another $100.00 to clean out Dad's fly tying room. He would like to take up residence downstairs as he had before his mission.

Well it is not going to happen.  We love our space down there too!! I have to give this another thought. We have to hold firm. I don't think the image of buying out your parents is one I want to support?!!

Spence I love you though!!!

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