Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun Times

 We met up at Heber Girls Camp for our 4th of July celebration with the greater Packer family this year.

The church owns a wonderful facility for camping there. Many many acres of beautiful aspen trees, oak trees and pine covered terrain at the top of the east mountains in Heber.

We had at least 150 of us there. At least-- probably many more.

We have our own cabins per family. We had 17 of our family in our cabin. ( Our younger members helping with the clean-up!)

We have a large pavillion where all the families gather for activities and food.

We were greeted with a basket of cookies from Grandma
Packer's Pantry!

And then of course there is always our soft ice cream machine, compliments of Uncle Spencer! It is guaranteed to be fun, with all the soft ice cream you can eat-- for 2 days straight. I am sure that is all the young childrens dream fullfilled!!!

This year Uncle Spencer already the favorite Uncle, brought another great hit to camp with him! Meet Concho!! ( will write another blog with details of Concho.) After passing out a roll of dimes to all of his 9 siblings to supply their families with free rides on Concho the bucking bronco!!

You can see that we really enjoyed riding Concho!

We had a wonderful time on the lake with the boats... riding to the lake in the people mover!

On a hike with Grandpa!

 Hanging out with everyone!

Sleeping together in the cabin!

As we were all trying to go to sleep, I got such a kick out of Connor up on his bunk with his flashlight on making silhouettes on the ceiling and wall with his hand...

And it was all celebrating our countries independence of course!!

The kids loved the coloring books Heidi and Cory put together for everyone!

Alot of fun in a beautiful place!


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