Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today my view out my back is not nearly  as hopeful for Spring as yesterday was. I knew this would come but yesterday I denied it would come so quickly. I did prepare though because remember I said we would have to pull out those signs of Spring on the days that we were unsure of its arrival?!

Today does not look like Spring.

But yesterday I was unable to see that beautiful contrast of the branches against the dark sky!
I did not see anything as dramatic yesterday as this sky is this morning.

So I am voting that contrasts are good.

My neighbor died yesterday. There is nothing like a death to make me appreciate my days, no matter how dark. There is nothing like death to make me appreciate all of my family & friends. To bring to the foreground how fleeting any of those relationships can be. To help me realize I want to share my love with all of them while I can.

Life and Death, that was not at all the contrast I was thinking of when I started this blog, but it is interesting to see where it evolves. Death makes living poignant. I have lost many a friend in the last couple of months. The deaths were all timely but non the less the separation real. Real and sometimes empty and painful.

 I cried and cried at my Aunt Valentines Funeral in Feb. She was to be 90 years on the 14 of Feb.
She missed that date by a week. I realized that I was crying for Viola my 102 year old friend who died in
Dec. And maybe some tears were for Charlie who died last year at, was it 85?  I even wonder if those tears weren't for my brother Tom who died 30 years ago or even my grandparents who passed away years ago too.

Death is a huge contrast to life.

The gospel is the buffer to the huge contrast and void between the two worlds. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of life after this life. The knowledge I will see my loved ones again. Even live with them again. My love is eternal, as life is.

I did not see the beautiful color of the branches yesterday. Today I can not miss them. The dark clouds bring out that contrast.

Life was not as poignant to me yesterday as it is today.

I am happy for the contrast. I am happy I will need to work harder today to see the beauties right before my eyes. I am happy for the rain I now hear on my roof that I didn't hear yesterday. I am happy for the coziness I am beginning to feel in my home, as the dark clouds outside, begin to get darker. I am happy for the atmosphere the change in weather brings. Utah does bless us with 4 beautiful seasons.

I guess of any thing that contrast does, perhaps it is gratitude that is a very valid and appropriate result, of contrasts.

I will continue about my day with much gratitude and happiness in my heart. Cheers for a GOOD DAY!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mom, great posts! Glad you started the blog! It's fun to ready your writing and see the photos of your projects. I look forward to more posts!
