Monday, March 14, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over.

Years ago I was able to join Russ on a business trip to Phoenix.

It was a time in my life that I felt like I really needed a vacation. Nate had battled cancer for almost 2 years. He needed one more dose of his chemotherapy. Russ had this business trip on his schedule and I so wanted to join him.

We postponed Nate's last treatment so I could join Russ.

I remember the hotel had complimentary breakfast. Russ left for work but called back to the room to let me know breakfast was served until a certain time.  I remember I could have cared less about breakfast, I just wanted to sleep!! All by myself with no schedule.

It was a great trip, even restful I remember.

We went to antique stores one night. All we could afford in the stores was this small silver cup. I think it was $5.00.  We bought the silver cup.

 I remember the flood of feeling I had that this cup represented: "MY CUP RUNNETH OVER"
We were so grateful to have the end of Nate's treatment in sight, the emotional rollercoaster almost over. And it appeared we had a healthy boy again!!

This silver cup is displayed in a cabinet in the living room. Everytime I see it I am flooded with the same feelings, I had the day we bought it.

1 comment:

  1. i never knew this story! i'll never look at that cup the same either! thanks! it's been so fun to read all your memories!!
