Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring came when I wasn't looking!

Spring is all over outside!!

I have watched and watched and then it snuck up on me!!

I have seen daffodils in bloom in many places. (Not my yard)

I have seen pansies all over. (Not my yard)

I have seen tulip shoots ready to bloom. (My Becky tulips are growing but no buds yet.)

I have pussy willows in MY YARD!

I have seen primroses. (Inside my House, not in my yard yet)

I was at Temple square a couple of days ago and it was Spring heaven. It was beautiful as always but for the first Spring showing it was fabulous. It was the sure sign I have seen that Spring is here!!

Since I didn't have my camera when I was in Spring heaven I have inserted my Spring here!!

Look what I found in MY YARD when I went to get the mail today!!!!!!!

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