Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Searching For Spring

 Winter has occupied too many days.

Winter is still occupying my lawn. And all my trees still have their bare winter attire.

 But with the sun shinning in my windows this morning, I decided I would go out back and search for Spring.  In my PJ's I went out in my backyard on my search. I was so pleased I didn't have to go far. Not only because I would look ridiculous in my PJ's searching, but because I wanted quick evidence that Spring is on My Doorstep!!!!

Well I didn't have to go far, but I did have to look closely. I had to investigate the small stuff. The small stuff was there, with no digging required. And I am sooo happy to have this evidence.

I will keep these signs of Spring on file, and if I feel that I am getting mixed messages from my weather in the next days or weeks, I will bring these photos out again for evidence!

Spring green does make my heart soar. The thing that makes it soar more is color! But that wasn't to be seen yet only something to look very much forward to!!

So on days with no color outside, I make my own color inside. I will insert it here so we can have something visual to look forward to!

Welcome Spring!!!!!!

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