Thursday, March 24, 2011

Grammy's Hats

 Becky come today to photograph the girls in their Great Great Grandma's hats.

They did not know Grammy as we called her. They now know she was Oma's Mom.

I showed the girls a picture I have of Grammy.

 She even has a hat on in the photo. But of the 26 hats we have, the hat she has on in the photo is not one of these. So.... Grammy had even more hats.

We had so much fun!!
 I have a slide show of the day that is priceless.( Thanks Becky! )
Do you think Grammy got to see her great great Granddaughters have such a fun time in her hats???
I would like to think she did!!

Grammy you have some pretty cute Great Great Granddaughters!! And these are only a few of them!!!

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