Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Lamps have always held my close attention. It may be because the home I grew up in had numerous beautiful lamps. One thing I remember noticing and loving about lamps is their finials.
This finial is one that has found its place in my home. I have not figured out which lamp it belongs too.
I do have a lamp from my families home. A lamp that always intrigued me. I loved to dust this lamp. It was not and still is not an easy lamp to dust, but its charms, far outweighs the difficulty of dusting it.

You can see the finial by this lamps side. I think that it is the finial for this lamp but it does not fit on the top threads of this lamp.

I have picked up through the last couple of years some more attractive lamps for my home.

This lamp was from my family home. It too has a wonderful finial on its top holding the lamp shade on. I will have to get a better picture of the finial and the brass cutting on this lamp. I have two of these lamps, they were a pair. One of them is on my desk today.
Years ago I painted the little images on the shades.

Nate was able to allow us into the Ivory Homes furnishing sales for their employees. I have picked up many of the next lamps from those sales.

This lamp is one of a pair we have in the living room. We do not have matching shades on these two lamps though

The other matched lamp with unmatched shade!
Our living room has no overhead lighting so these lamps add critical light and warmth to our living room. I do say lamps add tremendous atmosphere too!

Some of the fun details of one
pair of our lamps. Another fun finial!!

Another lamp. Two more of these same lamps flank by bed. A Lowes special.

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