Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have spent the afternoon dusting my home.
I have seen dust on some of the photos I have taken for this blog.

I have rags full of dust this afternoon. The surprise is I don't see this dust unless I begin to dust.
My vision is such that the dust is not apparent to my everyday eye!!!


Last Saturday:

 I ran to Bountiful with my grocery needs, to visit Costco.  As I had my cart full and was contemplating if I needed anything additional, before positioning myself in the long lines, I realized I did not have a check left in my checkbook.

I do not carry a debit card. Costco does not take my credit card. No options but to call home and have Russ come to Costco to my rescue with his debit card, or a new checkbook.

I wondered around more in Costco. No problems for me!!

Russ arrives with Bennett asleep on his shoulder. Thank heavens for cell phones to identify where we each are in the store. By the long checkout lines I see Russ with a darling boy asleep in his shoulder. He also has
Bennett's puppy mini-blankie hanging out of his pocket.

When we meet up, after greeting, I pull the cute puppy from Grandpa's pocket. We check out thanks to Russ and his debit card. Russ is so smart and has parked right next to my car in the parking lot. We push the groceries to my car. Bennett's car seat is in Grandpa's car next to my car.

Before getting the groceries from the cart to the car,  we decide, it is best to put Bennett now awake in his car seat. But no ---------- where are the keys to Russ's car.  Nowhere absolutely nowhere------ peeking through the windows we can see the keys are not inside the car------ not under the car-------- not on the ground beside the car--------- back to the store--------- not inside Costco--------

Well, well, so much for our quick trip to the store. Russ rescues me-------Anna rescues Russ and I.

We arrive home a couple of hours later.

We ask ourselves, maybe you can help, ARE WE GETTING OLDER??!!!!!

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