Saturday, March 12, 2011

Worker Men

We had Cory & Heidi's kids for the afternoon and evening while H & C, celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary. Where does time go?!

When Russ arrived home from work, he had Mabel and Connor help him gather the eggs. All put on their boots before going out. They brought in 9 eggs. (That is a good egg day!!) Russ let out the chickens from their run. Connor was brave enough to pet them, as Grandpa did. Mae was more hesitant, perhaps smarter?

 They then went to the barn to get a saw to cut down a limb from the willow tree that had broken off in our windy weather earlier this week.

When they were out by the tree getting ready for the work to begin. Grandpa relays to me their conversation.

Connor's conversation. " Maybe we need the worker men to come help us. I have a workerman hat. The workerman hat will protect you if the big limb falls and hits you on the head, you will be alright. Grandpa you need a worker man hat too. You will have to go buy one or maybe you can get one from the worker man when they come."

We had one small casualty when Mabel cut her finger from the clippers. After 3 band-aids put on and taken off, She says" Me alright".

Another great day for the Grandparents!

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