Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am very much inspired by quilts. Quilts of all kinds. I love the quilts of today where a color theme is followed or fabric is matched because it is all purchased at one time for the quilt project. But I have to admit my most favorite quilts evolve from fabric had on hand.  No new purchases for these quilts, make due with what is on hand.

Their beauty comes from the creation process.

These quilting frames are on the floor of my living room right now. They need to be put away from our RS event on Sat.

I am reminded of the quilt I need to make in the next month; for our new grandson, to be born in April. I had better get started. I have decided I will quilt his quilt on my way down to Sedona Ar., to celebrate my Dad's 80th Birthday. With that decided I had better go downstairs to my fabric stash and choose fabrics to piece together for the top of the quilt.
I have made a quilt for each of my grandchildren so far. This new quilt will be my 8th quilt for a grandchild.



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