Monday, March 14, 2011

Overcast With A Touch of Rain

Today is not a sunny day. Today does not have many bright colors. Today's world outside is a monotone.

Now that kind of day can have real beauty. Perhaps beauty that must be looked for. Perhaps a different kind of beauty than the sunny day.

Some of that beauty must come from something other than color, since color it is lacking.

There is plenty of beauty in the texture of the world outside  today.

Perhaps the color of today comes from the fireplace smoke I can smell of wood burning.
The coolness of the raindrops on my skin.
The drama of the clouds.

The freshness of the air.

The stillness of the rain.

So today's color I cannot see as color. Today has color I can smell. Today has color in texture.

Today even has color in sound. 

I have found adding inside elements adds color to the day.
Music. I have on music. My music has color. My lights have color. My atmosphere I have created has color.

             Color is lacking in the photos I have seen of Japan with its earthquake devastation.
                                                       Devastation does not have color.
                                                           Devastation is monotone.

                                                  Perhaps they will have color with a smile.
                                                  They will have color with a helping hand.
                                                 Perhaps they will have color with a prayer.

I hope the Japanese experience color even if they can't see it.
 Because it is overcast in Japan. I will pray for them to have color.

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