Monday, June 20, 2011


My experience with Fathers has been a positive one.

I have been lucky in my life to know many good Fathers.

I have seen selfless, hard working, loving, giving & kind Fathers.

I have experienced men that had others in mind before themselves. Who never even thought of themselves much. Who always thought of their families first.

I have seen disciplined men who went to work day after day, like work or not, for their families. Who tirelessly took on the respsonsiblity to physically care for their loved ones.

I had the blessing of knowing men who would stop their daily tasks at the call of one of their family members in need. Very Very giving men.  Men who don't know what they want for gifts, because physical gifts are not important to them. They are happy to be with the ones they love. They are happy to share time together. They are happy with their families.

I have had the love of such Fathers and consider it a great blessing in my life.

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