Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ryan Daniel Packer

Sunday Ryan was blessed and given his name Ryan Daniel Packer.

It was wonderful to be there to hear Nate bless his second son. He gave Ryan a wonderful blessing. It included Ryan's ability to know he is a child of his Father in Heaven. That his actions will be for good in this life. That he will be a peacemaker in his home. A good brother to Bennett.

I was very proud of the Father Nate is to his family. As it was Father's Day that was poignant in my mind as I watched him care for his little family.

That caused me to watch little Russ and him care for his little family and my heaart swelled with happiness over the wonderful Dad's they are to their families. I see the love they have for their families in all of their actions.

Cory was not with us Sunday but I too watched his family and know he is so involved with them and see him always share his love with them and demonstrate his love for them as Nate and Russ do. It makes a Mom's heart very full to overflowing.

It was a wonderful Father's Day to watch these wonderful Dad's with their families.

It was fun for me to have my Dad here on Father's Day, he too was and is a wonderful Dad.

And of course I know and am so grateful for the wonderful Father that Russ is.  He is so concerned about his family. All his love and actions go toward his family contantly!!

I felt very blessed this last Sunday. I hope the Father's all felt of our love for them!

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