Friday, June 10, 2011

Peach Trees and Garden Walk

I wandered down to the lower yard.

The chickens had already gone to roost in the coup.

But I went to see the new peach trees.  We got 4 new peach trees this Spring.  We love peaches, the whole family loves peaches.  Friut Heights has wonderful peach farms, or two farms left.  We buy our peaches from them every year.

We have planted peach trees in the past with no success.

We planted 4 trees in the lower yard this year.  This is a new location.  We will have to have a hose to water them.  We hope we will have better success.

 The good news is I see many little peach buds on the trees already.  Russ knows how to prune these trees more specifically than in the past.  The bad news is one of the trees has no peach buds. One of the new peach trees has no leaves.

These leaves are not looking really good to me.  I don't know if it is trauma from the transplant or something more.  I hope it is just trauma... we are so looking to have peach trees that produce wonderful peaches for us.

I wondered over to the garden from the peach trees. We have peas & lettuce that are growing, not very fast. We have blackberries transplanted this year.  We have the rest of our garden in now.  Tomatoes, pole beans, squash, peppers, beets, onions, potatoes  and I think we will soon have pumpkins in for Grandpa's pumpkin patch.

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