Sunday, June 26, 2011


I have been so blessed in my married life.
I have received support from Russ in all areas of my life.  I have never known such support.  I had never seen or even imagined the support he gives me.

It has been a great blessing. Russ often thinks of my needs before I even do. Everyone should have such support. But I recognize that not everyone is allowed this. So I am even more grateful with that realization.

These shirts are my attempt at being that kind of support to him. He has a new calling. He was called to be a High Coucilor in our Stake and so I have decided this is my time to show him the kind of support he blesses me with. I had his white shirts ready for his first time speaking.

Yesterday he found out he was to speak today in the 9th ward. He did a fabulous job! I am so proud of him! I am glad his first time speaking was such a good experience. He has a postive experience he will now build on.

I also tried to  keep the home very peaceful this morning for his preparations. I hope like I say I can learn from what he has taught me. I hope to keep him in my forefront as he keeps me in his.

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