Sunday, June 26, 2011


We have the beds ready for K&A&C. They are coming for a sleepover tonight.

They are coming from Grandma Cathy's and Poppies. This is the last night they have with their family. They have been in the MTC this week. Tomorrow morning early they get on the plane to Joahnnesburg South Africa for the next 3 years.

Good bye's like that are not easy. Good bye's like that are hard to say. It is hard to leave when you know you won't see each other for such a long time.

We have the beds ready and will stay up till they get here. Our hearts go out to Liz & Russ and these kids as they will miss these wonderful Grandparents and Parents.

Our hearts and love go out to Craig and Cathy at this time also.

We just got the call that the girls are very sad and so will not come up here till tomorrow morning. I am glad they can stay with R&L who I am sure are also sad. It is good to be together.

Well see you guys tomorrow.

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