Saturday, May 7, 2011


I have had an on going dilemma.
It has been going on for several years.

You know I love blue/purple flowers. Every spring I have blue/purple flowers that come up in my yard. I think they are beautiful. I am not sure about their habits though.

The color of these blooms can't be beat.

The flowers multiply every year. When they are very established the blooms can be quite large.  Relative to other types of blooms they are small in bloom. I do like the shape of the little bell like bloom.

But look where these blooms are growing.  That is just the problem.

They spread to the degree they begin to take over.  They bloom in the grass.

I love them when they are confined to a certain space and there are many of them in bloom together. Aren't they charming grouped together.

But this morning I felt so bad but I chose to dig these blooms up in the beds they are invading. I am wishing now I had cut the blooms for a floral inside. I would feel better about digging them up. 

But I dug them up and threw them away.

I guess I really don't need to feel bad. They will be back guaranteed.  I will be happy for my little blue hyacinths.

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