Saturday, May 14, 2011


Years ago when Grammy died she had been living in Nibley.

The home she lived in was not a home she raised her family in.  It was not even a home that had any history to it.  It was a home they had bought years before Grandpa's death.  Just to have a home in Utah.  Just for an investment home.

But Grammy decided to move in to the home when Grandpa died.  So she spent her last 10 (?) years in this large home all by herself.  I used to visit her on some weekends.

I was with Aunt Jean and Oma when they closed up Grammy' s home and emptied it out.  I saw this fencepost.  I decided I wanted it for a memory of Grammy and for my farm.

We brought it home to Fruit Heights. It is down by the barn. Not real prominent and I'll bet no one would know it was from Nibley ( Grammy's last home).

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