Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grandma's sandbox

I wanted a sandbox for the grandchildren to play in.

I think a sandbox is one of the best toys for a child. They use so much imagination creating things and worlds in a sandbox.

A couple of years ago before one of our Packer Campouts.  We had a huge mound of sand delivered.  I anticipated that the truck would go down to the area in the backyard that I wanted the sandbox to be in.
The truck driver refused to drive his new truck down in my backyard. He felt like there wasn't enough
clearance for the height of the truck.

Even with all my assuring him he would be fine he refused to go to the back.  He dumped his load of sand in the driveway!
With a lot of help we transferred the sand to the backyard.

The sandbox has become a favorite place to play at G & G's house.

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