Sunday, May 1, 2011


 I could go on and on. We have a legacy of woodworking in our family.

Russ is amazing with his capacities to build, remodel, refurbish, refinish just about anything.
We have had projects through the years that the children have been able to work on with us. Remodels, digging out and creating our basement. The list goes on and on and on....

To this day we have something in the works and that will always be.

Spencer has been one of the kids who have built me treasures. For Christmas before his mission, he gave me plans for a gazebo he designed. In the Spring that year he built it for me.  It is a real retreat for me.

Spencer also took woodworking in high school.

This beautiful chest is his culminating project, he gifted me with. It is a treasure. Just look at its beauty.

This woodworking skill has been passed on through the generations. There are woodworking genes in Connor. He is the next generation woodworker.  I am sure there will be many others.

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