Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Scripture Verse

I have written in my blog about Albrecht Durer  "Praying Hands"

I have written about my Pioneer photo.

I haven't written about the other framed work that hangs with these two in my living room.

The third piece is a scripture verse: Isaiah 32:17.

This was x-stitched for me by a friend (Katie Strike) that I served with in a YW Presidency in the Bloomfield Hills ward in Michigan.  When we were released from serving together she said she was making something for me that reminded her of me. When she was finished she gave me this x-stitch of the verse in Isaiah 32:17.

It has always meant a lot to me and so I framed the work and have had it in my living room ever since.  Twenty plus years.

When something hangs on your walls it is easy to memorize and such this has become one of my favorite verses.

 I have copied it and given it as a gift to others.

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