Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday's Treasure Three Eggs One Baby!

Today I decided to update  you on my robin eggs.

I have tried during the week to take a picture of this faithful Mom who sits in the rain and wind on her nest of four eggs.

She is very alert each time I would focus my camera she would fly off the nest.  Even when trying to focus the camera from out in the yard.  This Mother doesn't want attention.  She is also protective of her eggs.

This morning after serious rain last night.  I decided to check on the nest.

Look what I found...

It was very hard to focus at the right angle to see this baby and to get a clear picture through my window screen.  But if you look hard there is a baby bird, all skin, no feathers yet....

I hope I didn't frighten the Mommy because she needs to come keep this baby warm!!!!

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