Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gardening equipment

I broke out some new gardening gloves today.

They are my favorite all time gardening gloves.

I love their lightweight snug fit. Their rubber palms are the best!  Thanks Deonne!

I broke out the trowel, the knee pad, the dandelion digger and my pruners today.

 I am sure many of you have been at your gardening for a couple of week now. I am a little late in starting this year.

I had a flat of pansies that waited all week for me to get to them. With half of them planted this evening they are looking mighty fine!

Russ has done a great job with the front berms. He has pruned them well and added deeper & fresh mulch. They have taken a fair amount of work thus far. He has worked on 2 of the 3 berms. They too are looking mighty fine.

I do love to work outside in the spring. I love to work outside until the temperatures rise. Now for me that isn't as long as some of you. Heat intolerance shortens my season. But yard work feels as good as a haircut to me.  I love a well groomed yard.  I love the newness of the spring when the outside work is still a pleasure and not a chore!

I must say I love my front and backyards. I don't think there is a day that passes that I don't feel so grateful for my beautiful surroundings. What a blessing our home been for us.  The peace of our outdoor surroundings bless our lives immensely.  I love the life style our home provides for us.  A little farm in the middle of a nice city.

In England they name their dwellings. I don't think many of you know,  that we named ours years ago.  We thought of our name when we were in England years ago, if not while there it was shortly afterwards.

Our home's dwelling is called "Gardenblooms".  Someday we will put out a little sign with its name on it.

The Gardening equipment is out in full now. Goodby Winter, hello Spring!

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